As part of our commitment to transparency and in keeping with Sections 16 of the DSA, users may report illegal content by clicking here or by contacting ASKfm at
If there is not enough information for us to identify the reported content, we may be unable to take action on the report. Therefore, please ensure you have added enough information, including:
- Why the content is illegal
- The exact URL or URLs enabling the identification of the illegal content
Our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use may be helpful:
Single Point of Contact
In compliance with Sections 11 and 12 of the DSA, Member State authorities, the European Commission, the European Board for Digital Services, and recipients of the service may contact ASKfm at [email for DSA].
English is the preferred language for communication with this point of contact.
Member State authorities, the European Commission, the European Board for Digital Services, please be sure to include the information required under Sections 9 and 10 of the DSA in your order.