We know you are interested in finding more like-minded people on ASKfm. We wanted to help you with this and introduced profile interests. By adding interests to your profile page you can let others know about your interests or groups you identify with.
When you have added profile interests, other ASKfm users will be able to find your profile in the search. You too will be able to find people by searching interests.
This is how # interests work:
- On your mobile, go to your Profile page, select Bio and enter up to fifteen interests.
- On the website find the interests section under Profile Settings ("Edit interests").
What if you don't want to use #interests? That's OK. You can leave your profile blank.
Be smart how you identify yourself: Never post personal info in interests such as your home address or phone number. If you see someone using inappropriate or offensive interest, report the user from their profile page and we will review it.
If you add interests in your profile, anyone who does a search in interests section on ASKfm can find your profile.
Tips for adding interests:
- Start typing and you will get suggested options for popular interests.
- Do not use spaces or punctuation in a interests.
- Type a keyword used in a interest in the search to find other ASKfm users with similar interests.
Do not use offensive or inappropriate keywords in interests. Check out more on what content is allowed on ASKfm in our Community Guidelines.