We are sad that you want to leave ASKfm!
Is there something we can help with before you leave? If you have problems when logging in or some technical issues - just contact our ASKfm Support Team. The team will try to help you out!
If you prefer simply to delete your account, consider deactivation first.
When your account is deactivated, all your info is still preserved, but it won't be visible on ASKfm or in search engines such as Google. You can reactivate your account at any time, and everything will be there to welcome you back!
However, we will understand if you still wish to delete your account completely and permanently. Remember that once you delete your account, all info will be permanently deleted!
To delete your account completely, click here. It will take 30 days until the profile is fully removed.
If the content is still showing up in Google or any other search engine, please contact the respective Support team (e.g., to contact Google, click here, to contact Bing, click here).
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