To protect your account from unwanted access, your password is your first line of defense!
Some general tips:
- Be mysterious and pick a password that is difficult to guess for anyone but you.
- Mixing lower and upper case letters with symbols (&, *, $, @ etc.) and numbers makes it really tough.
- The longer you make your password, the harder it is to crack. It should be at least 8 characters long.
That sounds too complicated? It doesn’t have to be! Here are some ideas on how to encrypt your password:
- Start with a sentence meaningful to you (e.g. “My friend Sam is a very nice guy”).
- Full words are easy to guess! The trick is to abbreviate them, e.g. sticking only the first or first and second letter into your password (e.g. mfsiavng).
- Remember that capitalising and symbols or numbers make it even harder? Let’s include them too (e.g. Mf$1avnG).
Random fact: Did you know that most of us choose passwords our friends and family can easily guess? How scary is that! If you want to get some hints on what to avoid, we’ve put some additional tips of what not to use together for you.
But… you can have the best password in the world, and it means nothing if you either use the same password for all your accounts (and one of them gets hacked) or you share it with your best friend!